
Lycra fabric LYCRA

just before the DuPont Lycra --- a wholly owned subsidiary Invista (Koch Industries Group in 2004 to 4.4 billion U.S. dollars to buy) a trade name, the company occupies a market area in spandex arbitrary position, Lycra almost has become synonymous with all the spandex yarn. It completely replaced the traditional elastic rubber band line, the gym suit, bathing suit special requirements of these garments, the Leica is almost an integral element. It allows you to curve absolutely shattered, freely and without pressure in colloidal stretch. Lycra is not only widely used in everyday apparel, it is also a popular fashion designers create a kaleidoscope of pets. Lycra so rejoicing that people had been known as the magic of fiber, crown them with the Egyptian Sphinx "Sphinx," the name, making it the gift to mystery. Many of our designer friends talked about his recent works, like that with a little Lycra. Perhaps, not only with the Leica very fashionable clothing, the word itself with a strong fashion colors.

Cosbeya Elegant White Womens Silk Dress s1609

